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Update Reader icons to Gridicons and universal vector assets...
来自 : CSDN技术社区 发布时间:2021-03-25

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\"weixin_39736650\" weixin_39736650 2021-01-08 05:52 首页 开源项目 Update Reader icons to Gridicons and universal vector assets.

Updates icons used in the reader to Gridicons and universal vector PDF assets.

Removed, replaced with gravatar (default user image):- default-identicon- gravatar-reader

Removed, replaced with post-blavatar-placeholder (default site icon):- icon-feed

Updated:- background-comment-nesting- background-reader-tear- gravatar- icon-clear-textfield- icon-posts-share- icon-reader-comment-highlight- icon-reader-comment-like- icon-reader-comment-liked- icon-reader-comment-reply- icon-reader-comment- icon-reader-follow-highlight- icon-reader-follow- icon-reader-following- icon-reader-header-list- icon-reader-header-tag- icon-reader-like-highlight- icon-reader-like- icon-reader-liked- icon-reader-search-plus

background-comment-nesting.png included a background color that doesn t match the background color of the app (see screenshot below). Its replacement, background-comment-nesting.pdf uses a transparent background instead. Let me know if anyone knows why/if we shouldn t use a transparent background for the comment nesting image.


Reader Comments, before (left) and after (right). Includes gravatar replacing default-identicon; updated icon-reader-comment-like, icon-reader-comment-liked, icon-reader-comment-reply, background-comment-nesting.\"comments-before-after\"

Updated to use Gridicons:

icon-posts-share \"share\"

icon-clear-textfield, icon-reader-search-plus\"search-close\"

All other icons have been updated to vector PDF assets but are visually the same as before.

Needs Review:

该提问来源于开源项目 wordpress-mobile/WordPress-iOS

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\"weixin_39736650\" weixin_39736650 2月前

Not sure if that s something to tackle here or in a separate PR

Good catch, I noticed a handful of places like that while I was replacing icons. I think it would make sense to open a new issue to look at highlighted states in a cohesive way around the app -- I noticed that in some places we use a special -highlighted image, and in others we simply darken the existing one, and it would be nice to make that consistent everywhere.

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\"weixin_39531761\" weixin_39531761 2月前

Awesome. Took things for a test drive and they look great! One thing that caught my eye (and this was already the case before, doH!) was that we don t have a jazzy orange version of the reply icon for its highlight state. When tapped it does this: \"simulatorNot sure if that s something to tackle here or in a separate PR. If we want to wait then this one is ready to :shipit:

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\"weixin_39736650\" weixin_39736650 2月前

Hmm. Looks like icon-reader-comment-highlighted.pdf and icon-reader-comment.pdf got mismatched. But the way they were assigned in code was also reversed which canceled out the issue. :) Could we swap things around so the naming matches the use?

Whoops! That was strange. Looks like I mis-named the assets but dropped them into the right place in Xcode. :) Fixed up in 997fee8.

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\"weixin_39736650\" weixin_39736650 2月前

Transparencies degrade scrolling performance so we want to avoid them for those use cases.

Thanks -- I thought there might be something like that at play. In 1fa67f8 I ve updated background-comment-nesting.pdf to include a greyLighten30 background so it matches the page below and still solves #4433.

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\"weixin_39531761\" weixin_39531761 2月前

Hmm. Looks like icon-reader-comment-highlighted.pdf and icon-reader-comment.pdf got mismatched. But the way they were assigned in code was also reversed which canceled out the issue. :) Could we swap things around so the naming matches the use?

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\"weixin_39531761\" weixin_39531761 2月前

This PR will close #4433

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\"weixin_39531761\" weixin_39531761 2月前

Nice !

Let me know if anyone knows why/if we shouldn t use a transparent background for the comment nesting image.

Transparencies degrade scrolling performance so we want to avoid them for those use cases.

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本文链接: http://universalassets.immuno-online.com/view-740132.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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